Beginner Archery Target Points & Scoring Rules

If you are new to the sport of Archery, first let us say: welcome! We are so glad you are here to experience the many Benefits of Archery. Aside from learning the ropes of Bow and Arrow Safety, another important aspect to familiarize yourself with is the basic archery scoring rules and points system, so whether you’re playing in the backyard with a toy bow and arrow complete with foam-tipped arrows, or you plan to compete in an archery competition, you know what to expect.

Please note: While archery target point values are fairly universal, archery scoring rules and systems are subject to change from one competition style or country to the next. The following archery scoring rules are a basic example of what you can expect in a competition and can vary depending on your location, type, and level of competition. The following archery scoring rules do not account for the Olympic archery scoring rules and regulations, though they are similar.

Archery Target Scoring For Beginners: What To Know

Archery Target Point Values

Archery target point values are determined by each ring on the target. On a standard archery target, you will find 11 rings. The two innermost rings, known as the “inner ring” and “outer ring,” equal ten points each. The remaining nine rings are valued in sequential order from nine to one, working from the inside out. Archery target point rules dictate that a missed target equals zero points.

How to Score Archery Points in a Competition

Most archery competitions are played in rounds known as “Ends,” consisting of shooting in groups of three, four, or six arrows (depending on the competition rules). The set number of Ends and arrows used may vary from one competition to the next.

After one archer shoots their End, their points are calculated, and they can approach the target and remove their arrows. The next archer will begin their End. The archer with the highest number of points when all Ends are complete is the winner.

In the event of a tie, the archer with the highest number of 10s is the winner. If archers are still tied, the archer with the greater number of inner 10s is the winner. A final tie-breaker can be completed through a shoot-off to see which archer can earn the most points in one or more rounds, depending on the archery rules.

In elimination-style competitions, an archer will receive two points for each End won. If the End is tied, each archer earns one point. The archer to win the majority of Ends (like two out of three) moves onto the next round. If competing archers are tied, a shoot-off will take place where the archer to land an arrow closer to the middle of the target is the winner. This will repeat until a winner is determined.

Practicing Archery Scoring Rules At Home

For friendly competition at home using a kid bow and arrow set, follow the archery target point system discussed above for three Ends, with each archer shooting three arrows per End. After all three Ends, add up the total points of each archer and determine the winner. In the event of a tie, follow one of the tie-breaking methods above. Most importantly, remember to have fun with it!

Learn The Basics of Archery With Two Bros Bows

At Two Bros Bows, we take pride in helping children of all ages discover the fun-filled sport of archery. With our toy bow and arrow target collection, your child can enter a whole new world of imagination and enjoyment, all while strengthening their minds and bodies in a safe and healthy way. Browse and shop Two Bros Bows today to discover the beginner archery guides, products, and devil sticks designed to unleash your child’s imagination, confidence, and skills!

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