Benefits of Archery for Children

Aside from being a fun activity to get the kids outside more, it might surprise you to learn that there are many benefits of archery for children’s mental and physical health, too! Let’s dive into the physical and mental benefits of archery your child can benefit from, all while spending more time in the great outdoors!

What are the Physical Benefits of Archery?

Improve Hand-Eye Coordination

One of the primary physical benefits of archery for children is hand-eye coordination. When shooting an arrow, the body is positioned in a steady, still position. This control of the body allows the hands to become more in tune with the eyes, thus improving accuracy. With repetition, your child’s hand-eye coordination will become even better and help them progress into higher levels of archery. 

If you’d like to start improving your child’s hand-eye coordination before they use an archery set, Our toy bow and arrow with extra foam-tipped arrows can help! They offer a fun and safe way for your child to learn the basics of archery, all while benefiting from the physical and mental health improvements.

In addition to our archery sets, we also offer a range of exciting products like the Spinny Thing, which can add even more fun to your child's outdoor activities. This innovative toy encourages physical activity and can be a great complement to their archery practice, ensuring they stay active and entertained.

Build Upper-Body Strength & Hand Flexibility

Another physical benefit to archery is building upper body strength and increased hand flexibility. Even though all parts of the body are used during archery, the shoulders, arms, chest, and hands take on the brunt of the work. With repetition, the upper body begins to develop muscle, making it easier to hold and shoot, which also helps improve accuracy! The same thing happens with the fingers as well. They become stronger and more flexible the more they are used in specific ways.

What are the Mental Benefits of Archery?

If you’re looking for an extracurricular activity for your child that will help teach them patience while improving focus and building self-confidence, archery is it!  In fact, a Cambridge study revealed that students involved in extracurricular activities experienced more positive perceptions of social-emotional security than those who did not.

Through the trials and tribulations of learning how to stand, how to hold a bow, and how to shoot an arrow, kids learn how important perseverance is to reach any goal. Paired with the other known mental and physical benefits of archery, all arrows point to archery being an activity children of all ages can benefit from in one way or another. Even if they are too young for a heavy-duty archery set, one of our kids archery sets makes for the perfect miniature kids bow and arrow to help them practice their skills and teach them mental toughness at an early age.

From “what are the physical benefits of archery?”, to “how and when to teach archery to kids?”, Two Bros Bows make it easy to find helpful tips and tricks to introduce your child to the wonderful world of archery. Shop our kid’s archery sets today for fun and safe toy bows and arrows they’ll love to play with for years to come!

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